Collaborate to Success
Have you ever wondered how collaboration works? Well it’s just like how flowers grow. Collaboration is the water and sun working together to make the flower grow, we are the flower gaining prior knowledge from our friends, which is like how the sun and water giving the flower water and heat to grow. Also, sharing our prior knowledge with others is just like how flowers give out carbon dioxide but in a good way.
My first reason is collaborating in the class makes more work get done faster and more ideas are shared and when I say this I mean: when others work together they have interesting ideas which weave in more ideas to make the work even more better.
My second reason is that collaborating makes you stop being shy and makes you come out of your comfort zone. That is important, because when you come out of your comfort zone you will gain your confidence and will find public speaking easier in the future.
My third reason is collaborating with others can help you learn from your mistakes.This means that when you get something wrong your buddies can help you develop what you got wrong and can maybe give you goals to work on.
This is why I recommend that collaborating is a really positive and efficient way to learn because not only do you get the work done, but you get to meet more friends that you don’t really hang out with which can help you meet even more new friends in the future. Also, you can collaborate with your voices. This means that when you collaborate with your voices you can make perfect harmonies just like the group ‘Collabro’ who actually won Britain’s Got Talent 2014.