Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Mary - Asexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction:

What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is when only one organism(parent) or part is required and new organism is produced like unicellular organisms.
How it occurs/happens? Asexual reproduction only needs one parent, so the offspring are clones of the parent.
What are different types of Asexual reproduction in plants and in animals? Some examples of an asexual reproduction in plants and animals include, Vegetative, Propagation, Starfish and the Spider Plant.
Image result for starfish
What are the benefits of asexual reproduction for plants and animals? Some benefits of Asexual Reproduction include, A better chance of survival will be hand(more species), Just a little time and resources are used and It is a much more simpler procedure.

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