Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Practicing Peaceful Play - Big Reveal - 6 Hats Reflection

This is a 6 Hats reflection about 'The Big Reveal' Experience. So basically today after morning tea every class of the school had a Whole school Boot Camp where we were split into our house groups. I'm in Alamein by the way but anywho we had three rotations which were quite tiring and exhausting. My adrenaline was at about 85 percentage but that didn't stop me from completing the tasks. I had so much fun working with my team and new peers!

1 comment:

Ms. Komor said...

I really like how you are taking on a growth mindset with the things that you do but also how you were able to reflect on it in your DLO. Well Done! :)

110 star jumps?!?... AMAZING!!!

You could add to your DLO by giving at least 2 examples of HOW you cared for the juniors by explaining the types of things you said or did in order to encourage them.

Having someone to encourage you can make all the difference in whether or not you keep going or give up. I'm glad to read that you were encouraging others to keep going. I hope others returned the favour! :)

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