Friday, 22 May 2015

Pink Shirt Day

WOW today was such a blast seeing lots of kids wearing the colour pink for Pink Shirt day. If you don't know what Pink Shirt day is well it's a day where people wear pink to represent standing up to bullying. We had a awesome assembly which the student councils organised. There were so much effective messages about standing up to bullying during that Assembly for example we had a skit which the student councils presented, a mini clip about stopping bullying and so much more including two performances from our school band. They were so amazing I was blown away by the great harmonies and so much more. Today was such a great and positive day!

Speak up, Stand together and Stop Bullying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mehi,

I was there two it was amazing but some of us were disappointed with some of our kids. Some kids that did not wear pink were the bullies but some of us didn't like the colour pink.

I really enjoy reading your work. It was fun reading your work.

Lauren :)

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